Low Band Tibia Interlocking Nail (Cannulated)

 Low Band Tibia Interlocking Nail (Cannulated)

    • investigate wounds - shut versus open (begin IV anti-infection agents on the double if open) evaluate delicate tissue injury, compartments restricted front strategy to knee parapatellar versus patellar ligament parting begin factor is front to articular level and average to parallel tibial spine footing over triangle with foremost/back or varus/valgus pressure can utilize outside obsession or femoral distractor to oversee size and arrangement ream 1.0 above estimation of last nail embed nail over guidewire, hammer in the use of strikeplate pivot need to line up with second metatarsal focusing on data to locale 2-3 proximal statically interlocking screws ideal circles for distal tibial average to horizontal interlocking screws Postoperative weight-bearing as endured quick shift of development gym routine schedules to knee DVT prophylaxis sequential compartment tests for 24 hours Furthest point Exam need to test wounds for confirmation of open break, really take a look at decline furthest point compartments report distal neurovascular notoriety and related wounds Portray Fracture decide shut versus open harm (if open start IV anti-microbials right away) measure of comminution level of delicate tissue injury need biplanar radiographs of entire tibia/fibula, knee, and lower leg acquire CT check with: distal 1/3 breaks (high charge of back malleolar cracks) proximal 0.33 breaks (joint line augmentation) adequate arrangement for contained tibia breaks:
